
Youth Newsletter August 23, 2006

FUMCherryville Church Survey 2006
Homecoming 2006 Photos
FUMCherryville AutoFest
Joyful Traveler's Club
The Messenger December 28, 2006
February 26 Bulletin
M-Fuge 2006
Youth Newsletter August 23, 2006
Young At Heart
Prayer Requests
Scenes of Christmas 2006

Scott's Corner

I can't believe how fast this summer has been. It seems like you just got out of school yesterday, and now you have just over a week left before school starts. I know many of you were involved in baseball, football, volleyball, and many other activities so your summer felt even shorter.

I would like to thank those who went to West Palm Beach and served on our mission trip. It's hard to believe that it was three weeks ago when we were there. I hope that those who were moved that Week by God's Spirit are still growing in your walk with God. I hope that you are continuing to have a quiet time each day with God, where you can pray and read the Bible. It's important for us to grow as Christians by spending time with Christ and other Christians.

I'm excited about the things that we will be doing this fall. We will start the UMYF Year with a pool party at Susan Fraley's this Sunday. We will meet at Susan's at 12:00. You will need to bring a change of clothes, your own beach towel, a 2 liter drink, and a snack.

In September, the youth will be ushering throughout the month. I have a list in this newsletter of the week I need you to usher. If you are not going to be available for that Sunday, please let me know ASAP. We will be meeting every Sunday except the 3rd (Labor Day weekend). We will be having our first annual 3o Hour Famine the last weekend of October. The Youth Day at Duke will be the Duke-Navy game on November 4th. We will be having other activities throughout the fall including lock-ins, youth prayer breakfasts, and other activities.


Calendar of Events

Sunday, September 10 UMYF @ 6:00pm

Thursday, September 14 UMYF Prayer Breakfast @ Home Folks 7:00am

Friday, Sept 15 Middle School Lock-In

Saturday, Sept 16 Church Clean Up Day

Sunday, September 17 UMYF @ 6:00pm

Sunday, September 24 Opening Assembly 9:45

FUMC Homecoming 10:30

UMYF Mystery Trip after Homecoming

Wednesday, September 27 See You at the Pole @ your school.

Thursday, September 28 UMYF Prayer Breakfast @ Home Folks 7:00am

Happy Birthdays

Sunday, Sept 10 Camille and Seth's Birthday

Monday, Sept 11 Trent Gardo

Friday, Sept 22 Shane Stroupe

M-Fuge Mission Trip 2007 (JULY)

City Dates Cost

Kingston, Ontario July 16-21* $365.00

Philadelphia July 23-28* $327.00

St Louis July 23-28* $312.00

UMYF Ushers for September

Sept. 10th Jake Dellinger Capt

Tom Dellinger, Chris Owens, Daniel Owens, Clay Thornburg

Brian Gardo (Substitute)

Sept 17th Kaci Thornburg Capt

Haley Alexander, Camille Freeman, Annie Norwood, Paige Sigmon

Laura Webb (Substitute