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FUMCherryville Church Survey 2006

October 11, 2006

Dear fellow Christians:

Never before has the challenge of our church been greater! We truly believe in our mission statement:
"First United Methodist Church is a community of faith that is called to witness to God's love - to nurture people in the Christian faith - to minister in the needs of others in Cherryville and throughout the world."

Everyday we are faced with numerous opportunities to provide support, direction and ministry to those in our church family and in our community. Like every successful congregation, it is imperative that we look inward to critique our efforts to provide those services that God has called us to provide.

As Christians we are charged with the responsibility of sharing God's message and encouraging one another in our walk with him. We need to reach out to those who have become inactive for one reason or another. If you are no longer active, tell us why and what we can do to meet your needs. ____________________________________________________________________________





It is important that each member of the congregation feel connected in three ways: worship, fellowship and service. Our hope is that everyone will assist us in our efforts to strengthen our church. To that end, we invite you to share your ideas on how this may be accomplished.

Prior to setting forth your specific suggestions, we ask that you go to the Lord in prayer. We welcome your constructive suggestions and recommendations.

What church activity in the last year was the most meaningful to you and why?



Do you prefer a more traditional service, a more contemporary service, or a blended service and why?




Do we make our visitors welcome?


Do you attend Sunday School regularly? Why or why not? ______________________________________________________________________________


Do you attend Worship Service regularly? Why or why not?



Do you feel that the church provides spiritual growth for you? If not, what suggestions do you have for improvement?



Did you participate in any of the missions, evangelistic opportunities or church activities we have had during the past 12 months? Check the ones you participated in:

___Samaritan's Purse Shoebox Ministry
___School Supplies for children
___Postcards for teachers
___Secret Pal for College Student
___Attended "Heaven on Wheels" AutoFest
___Assisted with "Heaven on Wheels" AutoFest
___Attended UMW Spring Brunch
___Assisted with UMW Spring Brunch
___Cherry Blossom Festival Booth Volunteer
___Participated in drama ministry
___Participated in handbell ministry
___Go-getters, Cheerios, Wild Cards, Prayer Chain
___Serve on Church Committees
___Choir Member
___Participated in Scenes of Christmas
___Attended Scenes of Christmas
___Attended Homecoming
___Assisted with Homecoming
___Bible Study
___Joyful Traveler's Trips
___Young at Heart
___UMYF Activities
___Family Life Activities
___UMW Member (active)
___UMK Activities

It is not necessary that you sign your name, although if we need follow up, it would be helpful. You may drop this in the offering plate or mail it back to the church.

Church Member Signature

Please return this survey no later than October 29, 2006 so we may act in a timely fashion.

Sincerely yours,

Church Council
Mickey Payseur, Chair
Jack Stephenson, Vice Chair

Committee Members
Jack Stephenson
Linda Alexander
Janice Hovis
Nell Griggs
Jonnie Conner